Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Lone Ranger by Gaylord Dubois. Based on the famous radio adventure series by Fran Striker. - DUBOIS, GAYLORD.

The Lone Ranger by Gaylord Dubois. Based on the famous radio adventure series by Fran Striker. - DUBOIS, GAYLORD.: "DUBOIS, GAYLORD. The Lone Ranger by Gaylord Dubois. Based on the famous radio adventure series by Fran Striker.
New York, Grosset & Dunlap Publishers [c1936].. Orange cloth lettered and decorated in red. Cloth covers lightly soiled, slight wear to the extremities, otherwise very good. Presumed third printing with both Dubois and Striker named on the title-page. The first Lone Ranger book. This printing issued before Dubois' name was completely removed from the title-page (this occurred with the fourth printing according to Firsts magazine, July/August 1993). Striker's name on the spine and front cover."

Monday, January 14, 2008

ERBzine 2115: Gaylord DuBois Remembered

King of the Comics Writers
Gaylord Dubois worked as a writer for over 30 years with Western Publishing. A graduate of Boston University and General Theological Seminary, his works were always wholesome, family fare.
He wrote Big Little Books and novels as well as contributing to the majority of non-Disney 'adventure' comic books bearing the Dell imprint.
Dubois wrote or adapted almost every Tarzan lead story in Dell from 1947 to 1971 as well as the majority of backup features including the popular 'Brothers of the Spear' from 1950 to 1960."

Buck Jones

Buck Jones: "Buck Jones
Real name: Charles Frederick Gebhart
(Some biographies incorrectly show Gebhard or Gebhardt)

1891 - 1942

Buck's real name was Charles Frederick Gebhart, and his oft reported birth dates and birth place is December 4, 1889 or December 12, 1891 in a 'small house on the outskirts of Vincennes, Indiana'. Buck's parents are generally identified as Charles and Evelyn Showers Gebhart. Apparently, there is no birth certificate or other documentation to confirm Buck's real birth date. Communiques to the Knox County, Indiana Health Department (Vincennes, Indiana) resulted in a reply of 'no record found'. The Vincennes Chamber of Commerce replied that December 12, 1891 was the date they have. Am checking some other Vincennes sources, and will report if I have any luck ... but am not optimistic as other western film historians and authors have tried to locate a birth certificate and failed."

Classic Images: Tim McCoy

"Col. Tim McCoy
Man of Destiny
by Mike Newton
Lightning Bill Carson stood in the saloon doorway, letting the batwing door flip behind him. His austere presence, set off by his high peaked Stetson, dark shirt, and pants, was made more imposing by his icy cold stare fixed on the men standing at the bar. The room, which had been filled with the tinkling of a piano and men’s conversation a moment before, was now silent with hushed anticipation.
Suddenly, "Blackie", one of the men at the bar reached for his six-gun. It never cleared the holster. Carson’s .45 spoke first and Blackie, wanted by every lawman in the West, lay on the floor.
This typical scene was part of every Tim McCoy B-western of the late Thirties and early Forties. He wasn’t always Lightning Bill Carson, cowboy G-Man. Sometimes he was Trigger Tim Rand, or U.S. Marshal Tim McCall, one of the Rough Riders. Regardless of his name, when he appeared on the screen, Saturday matinee kids knew they were in for thrills and excitement.
The man who became Buffalo Bill’s successor in the field of bringing live wild west show entertainment to the American public, was born to Irish immigrants in Saginaw, Michigan, April 10, 1891.
Growing up, McCoy heard stories about the early settlers, the Indians, and the Civil War, from people who had lived during those times. Those stories, combined with his interest in history, inherited from his father, prepared him for his future career."

read it all...Classic Images: Tim McCoy:

Read the Book Tim McCoy on the Tomahawk Trail by Gaylord Dubois